Explore and learn about edible seaweed

On Wednesday, May 22nd, departing from Royan (8h00), explore the rocky foreshore of the Cordouan lighthouse and learn about edible seaweed.

Visite plateau_Offre de visite 2021

Discovering edible seaweed

After visiting the lighthouse, Laurence Dessimoulie will guide you through a salty walk to discover a variety of edible seaweed that can be found at the Cordouan foreshore and learn about its nutritional value.

A seaweed tasting will take place at the end of the visit.

Booking information

This visit is scheduled for the visitors arriving from Royan.

Length : 1h00 – 15 people maximum
Prices : 8 € + boat fee + entrance fee
For more information (no reservations on this number):
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